Jonathan Allentoff
Music Teacher
Hi! My name is Jonathan Allentoff, and I direct the music program here at Hillel School, including vocal and instrumental music, music composition, music history, music theory, and musical theatre. I love to share the joy of music-making, and it is a pleasure to collaborate with everyone in our wonderful Hillel family! I am the music director of the Brockport Symphony, Greece Community, and Temple Beth El Orchestras, associate conductor, principal viola, and principal arranger of the Brighton Symphony Orchestra, President of the Greece Performing Arts Society, director of the Eastman Klezmer Ensemble and Eastman Summer Studio Orchestra at ECMS at the Eastman School of Music, composition mentor and conductor for the Los Angeles Inception Orchestra, and the founder of Allentoff Music (ASCAP).
I recently conducted the premiere of my arrangements celebrating 100 Years of MGM with vocal artist LC Powell and the Flight 584 Big Band and performed as violin soloist at the Mayflower Club in North Hollywood, introduced the premiere of the Inception animation scores at New York's DiMenna Center, conducted the Inception studio recording session at Village Studios in Westwood, CA and the orchestral session at UCLA, and composed the score for the documented drama, Love Letters from the Cold War.
My works have been performed by ensembles across the globe, including the Pittsburgh, Knoxville, Holyoke, Muncie, Oklahoma, Redlands, Salina, Texas, and Vermont Symphony Orchestras and the Sydney Opera House, among others.
I graduated from Stony Brook University with a Master of Arts degree specializing in Music, Interdisciplinary Arts, Education, and Technology and received the Dr. Deborah C. Hecht Award for my MA thesis, “The Positive Cultural Impact of Community Orchestras.” I hold a Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude, in Interdisciplinary Arts for Children and Music from SUNY Brockport. I am an active member and clinician for APME, ASCAP, ASMAC, ASTA, CODA, NAfME, and NYSSMA and serve on the Executive Board of NYASTA and the Los Angeles Inception Orchestra Board of Directors