Our tribute cards are the perfect way to commemorate a yahrzeit (in memory of a loved one), recognize a special occasion, wish someone a r'fuah sh'leima (speedy & complete recovery), a mazel tov, birthday, anniversary, or just honor someone.
Every purchase of a tribute card also helps to support Hillel Community Day School.
Each tribute comes with:
An acknowledgement card to you (upon request)
A personalized card to the recipient (or their family)
Public recognition in the weekly tribute section of our HCDS newsletter (optional)
Please call the school office to purchase tribute cards or for more details.
Select the card you would like to send from the options below, the amount of your donation
$18 (Regular)
$54 (Bronze)
$72 (Silver)
$180 (Gold)
and add your personalized message and a card will be quickly sent on your behalf.
Your donation will be eligible for a tax receipt.

Abby F.
1st Grade

Ezra C.
2nd Grade

Maddie M.
3rd Grade

Eli F.
4th Grade

Rebecca H.
4th Grade

Soko H.
5th Grade